It really chaps my ass when a Party-Van-Party-Spot is ruined by some responsible nitwit. At some point the powers that be for the Blockbuster entity decided it was dangerous to have a giant sheet of ice covering the majority of their parking lot. So instead of fixing the problem at the source, they instead spend money on the rental of this god forsaken contraption!
(The small piles are not snow, but the end of my fun.)
Was it the swirly designs of rubber burned into bare portions of the lot that got them thinking on how to stop this problem? Maybe... but if so, it was worth it!
On the bright side, there is forecast for snow tonight, and the freezing rain is here now.
Hopefully, we get some good snow today. And hopefully, the Rain currently on the ground will transform into black ice.
If that happens, may a FJ Cruiser shred an abandoned lot with The Party Van?
The Entire World is a Party Van Spot.
Dear Ben,
The Party Van will shred with anyone, anytime... and love it.
Dear Driver,
What do you do when the cops try to interfere with your fun?
More Party Vans!
(from superhappyfuntimeblog)
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