Friday, October 1, 2010

Windshield Wipers.

When you get right down to it, windshield wipers are really for the benefit of other people. Those of us that are into exploring new direction, don't necessarily need to see clearly to do so. 

Farewell my furry friend.

2:47am Thursday, September 23rd, 2010
The Party Van is confronted by a skunk on highway 64/40 (mile marker 29 westbound)
This meeting resulted in the skunk receiving a very fast but complimentary spine adjustment, courtesy of the Goodyear corporation. The Driver is concerned that this hospitality has gone horribly wrong, and ended with the furry bastard's demise. The Driver, and The Party Van would like to publicly apologize to skunk and kin for this inconvenience. On the bright side Mr. skunk, you were scrambling straight toward a jersey wall that runs at least 12 miles in both directions, so I probably saved you a shitload of hassle.
